Saturday, June 18, 2016

Time to go

My helo flight out was planned for mid-morning, but I got the word that it had been moved up. No more time for one last email to the Commander, no more time for purging files, and not much time to say goodbye, yet again to staff.  The week had been emotionally draining for me, but now it was time to go.  I sent out a few txt to staff letting them know I was leaving.  A few rushed to the helo pad, and then more came.  Before long, the cameras were out and the tears rolled.  A few selfie shots, as the helo came in.  A few hugs, and before I knew it, Camp RS was out of sight.  It was time to go, of that there was no doubt, but I will miss these friendships, yet revel in the fact that we accomplished much.  Now is the time to look forward, and after about a week of mindless travel, I’ll be home then back to the Pentagon.

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