My boss got a letter from the Deputy Minister for
Interior Affairs. “Hello and Good Morning; This is a recommendation letter
asking you if it’s okay with Mr. George to please extend his mission period
with the Ministry for one more time, as he is a good adviser to all MoI Finance
Directorate and at the same time he is a good solution maker for all financial
problems.” Well, it appears they want
the bill payer to stay a bit longer, no doubt to take care of some more pesky
bills. Or maybe the Greek in me
resonates with them. I’m not sure, but
my counterpart Major General is not happy that my time is nearly up. He has been a champion of many of our causes,
and for that has put his life, and of his family at risk. I’ve got mixed feelings, but we have given
them the tools to succeed, now they have to want it more than me.
Yes, it is time to go.