There is no strategy for Civilianizing the Ministry, not one
that I can see. By Civilianization we
mean not just replacing Uniformed Police with Civilians in the Ministries, but
also melding the Contracted Civilians we hired, who operate at the upper
echelons, with the rest of the Civil Service Corps. Clearly no one wants to take this on, and the
Afghans like the status quo just fine. The
more on high-priced payrolls that others fund the better. So I am taking it upon myself, and any other
fool who has nothing else to do, to find an Afghan/Coalition solution to
long-term sustainability and affordability.
Luckily I found a willing Brit named Samantha who is a whiz at Human
Resourcing to help work this. Together
we will slay this beast and bring some structure and reasonableness to the
issue. I do have my doubts as we are
talking about big money salaries, but I have to try. I have now become “Mr. Civilianization” in
addition to my other titles: “Santa George”, and Mr. “Old Bills”. My tutors during MoDA training warned me;
George if they see you are a doer, they will work you to death. Oh well.
Movement to the Ministry. Sam on the left. Guardians on the right.